
We are students from varied backgrounds with a shared passion for innovation and a bright future. Together, we bring different skills, creative ideas, and perspectives to the table, helping us address the world's challenges with innovative solutions. We are unafraid to think big, take bold risks, and learn from our mistakes. As the change-makers of tomorrow, we are committed to shaping a better world. Learn More


We participate in two distinct events every year - the regional competition and the international competition. These competitions are hosted by MATE. These events are a great way to meet other teams, learn about robotics, and have fun while improving our skills, and shaping a brighter future.

Regional Competiton

May 13, 2024

Compete in the regional MATE competition at Old Dominion University.

International Competiton

June 22, 2024

Compete in the international MATE competition in Longmont, Colorado.